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Shockwave Therapy – Eastbourne Podiatry
What is shockwave therapy?
Shockwave is a non- invasive medical technology that delivers high pressure sound waves to affected areas of the body and aids speedy recovery. Shockwave therapy involves passing high intensity sound waves into the site of injury to encourage healing by boosting blood flow, putting cells into repair mode, allowing your body to restart its natural healing process, while reducing pain. Shockwave therapy itself can be mildly uncomfortable.
Shockwave is approved by the national institute for health and care excellence or NICE and is completely safe when performed by qualified clinicians.
Why consider shockwave?
It is an effective and widely accepted clinical practice for the treatment of chronic (long-standing) soft tissue injuries. In the past shockwave was a treatment method for breaking down kidney stones and helped people to avoid a painful surgical process.
At Eastbourne Podiatry Clinic we use shockwave to treat a range of conditions with great results. Long-standing (3 month +) injuries of tendons, muscles and bone respond exceptionally well to 4-6 sessions of shockwave therapy.
What treatments respond well to shock wave therapy?
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Heel & Arch Pain
- Achilles Tendonosis
- Shin Splints
- Sesamoiditis
- Metatarsalgia
- Painful Bunions
- Plantar Nerve Neuritis
- Calf Injuries
- Runners Knee pain
Take your first steps towards less painful walking and standing.